The output items
The CSV, TXT and XLS outputs of JDemetra+ may contain the items shown in table below.
A list of output items of JDemetra+ CSV, TXT and XLS formats.
Code | Meaning |
Original series | |
Forecasts of the original series | |
Standard errors of the forecasts of the original series | |
Interpolated series | |
Forecasts of the interpolated series | |
Standard errors of the forecasts of the interpolated series | |
Linearised series (not transformed) | |
Linearised series (transformed) | |
Series corrected for calendar effects | |
Forecasts of the series corrected for calendar effects | |
Forecasts of the linearised series | |
Backcasts of the linearised series | |
Trend (including deterministic effects) | |
Forecasts of the trend | |
Seasonally adjusted series (including deterministic effects) | |
Forecasts of the seasonally adjusted series | |
Seasonal component (including deterministic effects) | |
Forecasts of the seasonal component | |
Irregular component (including deterministic effects) | |
Forecasts of the irregular component | |
All deterministic effects | |
Forecasts of the deterministic effects | |
Calendar effects | |
Forecasts of the calendar effects | |
Trading day effect | |
Forecasts of the trading day effect | |
Moving holidays effects | |
Forecasts of the moving holidays effects | |
Easter effect | |
Forecasts of the Easter effect | |
Other moving holidays effects | |
Forecasts of the other moving holidays effects | |
All outliers effects | |
Forecasts of all outliers effects | |
Outliers effects related to irregular (AO, TC) | |
Forecasts of outliers effects related to irregular (TC) | |
Outliers effects related to trend (LS) | |
Forecasts of outliers effects related to trend (LS) | |
Outliers effects related to seasonal (SO) | |
Forecasts of outliers effects related to seasonal (SO) | |
All other regression effects | |
Forecasts of all other regression effects | |
Regression effects related to irregular | |
Forecasts of regression effects related to irregular | |
Regression effects related to trend | |
Forecasts of regression effects related to trend | |
Regression effects related to seasonal | |
Forecasts of regression effects related to seasonal | |
Regression effects related to seasonally adjusted series | |
Forecasts of regression effects related to seasonally adjusted series | |
Separate regression effects | |
Forecasts of separate regression effects | |
Full residuals of the RegARIMA model | |
Linearised series used as input in the decomposition | |
Forecast of the linearised series used as input in the decomposition | |
Trend produced by the decomposition | |
Forecasts of the trend produced by the decomposition | |
Seasonal component produced by the decomposition | |
Forecasts of the Seasonal component produced by the decomposition | |
Irregular produced by the decomposition | |
Forecasts of the irregular produced by the decomposition | |
Seasonally adjusted series produced by the decomposition | |
Forecasts of the seasonally adjusted series produced by the decomposition | |
Seasonal-Irregular produced by the decomposition | |
For X-13ARIMA-SEATS only. Series from the X-11 decomposition (x = a, b, c, d, e; y=a1...) | |
Benchmarked seasonally adjusted series | |
Target for the benchmarking |
The CSV matrix of JDemetra+ may contain:
Code | Meaning |
Start of the series span | |
End of the series span | |
Length of the series span | |
Start of the estimation span | |
End of the estimation span | |
Length of the estimation span | |
Number of effective observations in the likelihood function | |
Number of parameters in the likelihood | |
Log likelihood | |
Adjusted log likelihood | |
Sum of the squared errors in the likelihood | |
AIC statistics | |
Corrected AIC statistics | |
BIC statistics | |
BIC corrected for length | |
Standard error of the residuals (unbiased, TRAMO-like) | |
Standard error of the residuals (ML, X-13ARIMA-SEATS-like) | |
Test on the mean of the residuals | |
Test on the skewness of the residuals | |
Test on the kurtosis of the residuals | |
Test on the normality of the residuals (Doornik-Hansen tests) | |
The Ljung-Box test on the residuals | |
The Ljung-Box test on the squared residuals | |
The Ljung-Box test on the residuals at seasonal lags | |
The Box-Pierce test on the residuals | |
The Box-Pierce test on the squared residuals | |
The Box-Pierce test on the residuals at seasonal lags | |
Test on the number of runs of the residuals | |
Test on the length of runs of the residuals | |
The relative contribution of the irregular over three months span | |
The relative contribution of the irregular component to the stationary portion of the variance | |
The amount of period to period change in the irregular component as compared to the amount of period to period change in the trend-cycle | |
The amount of autocorrelation in the irregular as described by the average duration of run | |
The number of periods it takes the change in the trend-cycle to surpass the amount of change in the irregular | |
The amount of year to year change in the irregular as compared to the amount of year to year change in the seasonal | |
The amount of moving seasonality present relative to the amount of stable seasonality | |
The size of the fluctuations in the seasonal component throughout the whole series | |
The average linear movement in the seasonal component throughout the whole series | |
The size of the fluctuations in the seasonal component in the recent years | |
The average linear movement in the seasonal component in the recent years | |
Summary of the M-Statistics | |
Summary of the M-Statistics without M2 | |
Summary of the diagnostics | |
Definition test | |
Annual totals test | |
Test of the presence of the visual seasonal peaks in SA and/or irregular | |
Test of the presence of the visual trading day peaks in SA and/or irregular | |
Test of the normality of the residuals | |
Test of the independence of the residuals | |
Test of the presence of trading day peaks in the residuals | |
Test of the presence of seasonal peaks in the residuals | |
Test of the presence of residual seasonality in the SA series | |
Test of the presence of residual seasonality on\ sa\ (last\ 3\ years):2$$ | |
Test of the presence of residual seasonality in the irregular series (last periods) | |
Test on the variance of the seasonal component | |
Test on the variance of the irregular component | |
Test on the cross-correlation between the seasonal and the irregular component | |
Log transformation | |
Pre-adjustment of the series for leap year | |
Mean correction | |
The regular autoregressive order of the ARIMA model | |
The regular differencing order of the ARIMA model | |
Regular moving average order of the ARIMA model | |
The seasonal autoregressive order of the ARIMA model | |
The seasonal differencing order of the ARIMA model | |
The seasonal moving average order of the ARIMA model | |
Regular autoregressive parameter (lag=$i$, max $i$=3) of the ARIMA model | |
Regular moving average parameter (lag=$i$, max $i$=3) of the ARIMA model | |
Seasonal autoregressive parameter (lag=$i$, max $i$=1) of the ARIMA model | |
Seasonal moving average parameter (lag=$i$ max $i$=1) of the ARIMA model | |
Coefficient and test on the leap year | |
Number of trading day variables | |
Coefficient and test on the $i^\ $trading day variable | |
Number of moving holidays | |
Coefficient and test on the Easter variable | |
Number of outliers | |
Coefficient and test on $i^\ $the outlier (max $i$=16) | |
Presence of a seasonal component (1 – present, 0 – not present) | |
The order of the trend filter | |
The order of the seasonal filter |