Durbin-Watson test

The Durbin-Watson statistic is defined by1:



${\widehat{a}}_{t}$ – residual from the model.

Since 2, then the approximation $d \cong 2(1 - r_{z,1})$, where is the autocorrelation coefficient of the residuals at lag 1, is true.

The Durbin-Watson statistics is between 0 and 4. When the model provides an adequate description of the data, then $r_{z,1}$ should be close to 0 and therefore the Durbin-Watson statistics is close to 2. When the Durbin–Watson statistic is substantially less than 2, there is evidence of positive serial correlation, while when it is substantially greater than 2 it indicates that the successive error terms are, on average, much different in value from one another, i.e., negatively correlated.

More formally, to test for a positive autocorrelation at significance level $\alpha$, the Durbin-Watson statistics is compared to the lower ($d_{L,\alpha}\ )\ $and upper ($d_{U,\alpha})$ critical values:

  • If $d < d_{L,\alpha}$ there is statistical evidence that the error terms are positively autocorrelated.

  • If $d > d_{U,\alpha}$ there is no statistical evidence that the error terms are positively autocorrelated.

  • If  $d_{L,\alpha}$ $< d < d_{U,\alpha}$ the test is inconclusive.

Positive serial correlation is serial correlation in which a positive error for one observation increases the chances of a positive error for another observation.

To test for negative autocorrelation at significance$\ \alpha$, the test statistic $(4 - d)$ is compared to the lower ($d_{L,\alpha}\ )\ $and upper ($d_{U,\alpha})$ critical values:

  • If $\left( 4 - d \right) < d_{L,\alpha}$ there is statistical evidence that the error terms are negatively autocorrelated.

  • If $\left( 4 - d \right) > d_{U,\alpha}$ there is no statistical evidence that the error terms are negatively autocorrelated.

  • If $d_{U,\alpha} < \left( 4 - d \right) < d_{U,\alpha}$ the test is inconclusive.

  1. CHATFIELD, C. (2004).